A breastfeeding mother’s diet – what should it look like?

A breastfeeding mother’s diet – what should it look like?

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The period of breastfeeding is very important from the perspective of both mother and child. Milk protects against the development of allergies, helps with physical and intellectual development and supports the immune system. It is rich in substances that counteract infections and viruses. We can talk about the benefits of milk for a long time. So what ingredients in your diet should a breastfeeding mother pay attention to in order not to harm her baby?

Children who are breastfed during the first 6 months of life pass diseases much faster.

Remember that everything you consume is also delivered to your little one. Everything is allowed, but with your head! Limit drinking coffee and energy drinks. There are no studies available that suggest a negative effect of alcohol on the baby. However, it is best not to consume it until your little one is three months old. Alcohol does, however, adversely affect the amount of food produced. So be aware that your baby may demand more of it. Narcotics and cigarettes are absolutely prohibited during this period. The use of these stimulants may be associated with later developmental defects in the baby. Remember that the child, inhaling cigarette smoke, is also a passive smoker.

Photo Kristina Paukshtite/Pexels

Eating times and calorie content

A nursing mother should eat about 5-6 meals a day, including three main meals. The amount of calories consumed is most wisely calculated using calculators available on the Internet. After obtaining the calculated basal metabolism we can determine how many calories will be the healthiest for us. It is worth consulting a dietician. The average value is about 2800 kcal. Fats should make up about 30 percent of the energy value, carbohydrates about 50-60 percent. The protein requirement should be about 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. Of course, it depends on your weight, height, level of physical activity and overall health. During the breastfeeding period, we should not particularly focus on losing weight, switching to veganism, vegetarianism or limiting bread

What vitamins are missing during breastfeeding?

Every mother should supplement folic acid, calcium, iron, iodine, vitamin D, DHA. Their deficiencies can have fatal consequences in the development of the child. Most of these vitamins can be found in food products. However, it is worth reaching for supplements available at a pharmacy. Limit fatty and fried dishes and opt for steaming. This will reduce the amount of fat and thus improve your and your baby’s well-being! Remember that your baby may have allergic reactions. The most common causes are cow’s milk, soy or eggs

Your diet should be rich in:

  • protein:
  • eggs, chicken, chickpeas, legumes, lean meat;
  • iron:
  • cereals, fish, eggs, nuts;
  • healthy fats:
  • nuts, olive oil, corn oil, avocados, seeds;
  • complex carbohydrates:
  • rice, groats, whole grain breads;
  • vegetables and fruits:
  • broccoli, spinach, legumes

Sample menus

Breakfast is best eaten up to 30 minutes after waking up. This is when your body needs the most energy. Let it be something easily digestible, preferably oatmeal with nuts and fruit. This will give you energy until your next meal

The main course should contain carbohydrates, fish or lean meat and vegetables. Choose meat and fish from reliable sources to avoid harming yourself or your baby

Eating dinner before 7 p.m. is a myth. Try to eat your last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime so you don’t overload your stomach. This can be sandwiches with whole grain bread, white cheese and avocado. Between meals, opt for healthy snacks in the form of bananas or apples. Give up sweet drinks, salty snacks and sweet cakes. They will not give you satiety and are just empty calories! Don’t forget to hydrate throughout the day and your little one will thank you!

Photo: New Africa/Adobe Stock

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