Tag - children

How to practice math with your child
How to practice math with your child

Making math fun can help keep your child engaged in their learning. Try incorporating fun math games for learning into the mix.

What to buy a child for his one year birthday?
What to buy a child for his one year birthday?

For the first birthday it’s worth buying the toddler something “out of the box”, and not a rattle that he will get bored with in a while. Check out the best that manufacturers of toys for children have to offer, and choose something unique!

6 parenting mistakes parents should avoid
6 parenting mistakes parents should avoid

Every parent makes parenting mistakes. This is perfectly natural, but it is worth being aware of them and trying to avoid them. See what are the most common parenting mistakes of parents.

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What to buy a child for his one year birthday?
What to buy a child for his one year birthday?
For the first birthday it's worth buying the toddler something "out of the box", and not a rattle that he will get bored with in a while. Check out the best that manufacturers of toys for children have to offer, and choose something unique!
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