What is a juice detox?

What is a juice detox?

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Juice detox is one of the methods to cleanse the body of toxins, improve health and the appearance of the skin. What does such a detox look like and when is it applied?

Juice detox is a solution recommended by many nutritionists and doctors. When should we think about a juice detox

  • when there is a drop in energy,
  • when we feel permanent fatigue,
  • when we want to naturally strengthen our immunity,
  • when we want to change our eating habits,
  • when we want to improve our complexion, hair and nails,
  • when we have given up stimulants (alcohol, cigarettes),
  • after a period of increased, excessive consumption of unhealthy meals.

Juice detox – diet rules

A juice detox should last from 3 to maximum 5 days. The best time to detoxify the body is late spring and summer. During this period we have the greatest access to fresh fruits and vegetables, which are the basis of the juice detox.

Juice detox consists in replacing all meals with juices squeezed from vegetables and fruits. We can prepare the juices ourselves using a home juicer. We can also opt for a diet catering offer. A chosen company will deliver to our door every morning freshly squeezed juices for the whole day.

The daily menu is best divided into 5 meals. Two in the morning can be fruit, and three more can be vegetables. Throughout the day we should also properly hydrate ourselves – it is advisable to consume about 2.5 liters of water. Water can be partially replaced by herbal teas. Traditional black tea and coffee as well as sweetened drinks should be completely abandoned for the detox period.

Juice detox – recipes

Juice detox is not complicated. If you have a juicer or a juicer, you can prepare tasty and nutritious drinks in just a few moments. A sample daily menu should start with a glass of water with ½ lemon squeezed out. Such a drink is drunk on an empty stomach, just after waking up.

Juice portions should be large – about 400-500 ml. Divide the daily menu into 5-6 juice portions. In the morning, when your body needs energy and carbohydrates, opt for fruit. In the afternoon and evening choose vegetable juices. We can add any seasoning to our cocktails, except for salt. Juices can also be consumed warm. It is also advisable to drink vegetable broth.

Recipes for smoothies to use in a juice detox:

  1. Banana, ¼ fresh pineapple, 2 handfuls of spinach leaves.
  2. Avocado, ½ broccoli, parsley (bunch).
  3. Beet, celery, cucumber.
  4. Cucumber, apple, kale, citrus fruit.
  5. Beet, carrot, peach, turmeric.

How do I prepare for and come off a juice detox?

Before going on a juice detox, you should gradually prepare your body for the upcoming changes. It is advisable to eat easily digestible meals in small portions. Once the juice detox is over, you should not start eating right away either. Solid foods should be introduced gradually, avoiding fried foods, hard to digest foods and red meat. A juice detox can be done once a quarter.

A 3-day juice detox

A 3-day juice detox is worth trying at first. This is a safe time during which we can observe our body’s reaction to a liquid fruit and vegetable diet. A juice detox lasting three days is short enough that anyone should be able to do it. Each subsequent juice detox can be gradually extended. It is important not to exceed the safe limit of 5 days for health.

Main photo: Jugoslocos/pexels.com

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