Which animals are safe for allergy sufferers?

Which animals are safe for allergy sufferers?

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Allergies are a fairly common condition, especially for the youngest, who often dream of having a pet at home. However, it is not true that a child with allergies cannot have a pet. There are breeds of dogs and cats that are characterized by a low amount of allergens. In addition, you can choose a slightly less popular pet for your home.

Allergy to animals

If you have an allergy sufferer at home, remember that furry animals, such as dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and small rodents, are quite a threat. Not only the fur itself is allergenic, but also food, hay, sawdust and even litter. A popular allergen is cat allergen, which remains in the house for a very long time after the pet leaves it. In the case of dogs, especially those that shed hair and drool heavily are allergenic. If one animal has sensitized your child, it is not certain that it will be the same with another pet. According to scientists, female animals produce the highest amount of allergens – helpful information when choosing a pet. Importantly, the immune system of allergy sufferers reacts to proteins that are contained in the saliva, urine and hair of the pet. These proteins are called allergens. When a child comes into contact with an allergen, the presence of the allergen can be felt for a long time. The allergen may move with the child on objects and clothing. Before bringing a pet home, it is best to do a test for the child, so you can find out whether the child reacts to the allergen or is indifferent to it

The most common symptoms of allergy

  • runny nose,
  • coughing, scratchy throat, sneezing,
  • red, itchy and watery eyes,
  • skin rash and itching,
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
photo Cottonbro/Pexels

Rarely Sensitizing Dogs for the Allergist

There are certain dog breeds that are very rarely allergic. Instead, their hair requires special care. During grooming procedures such as bathing, trimming and combing, you will rid your pet of harmful allergens that are located in its coat or hair. Allergic people are recommended such dogs as

  • poodle,
  • dachshund,
  • yorkshire terrier,
  • mexican naked dog,
  • bedlington terrier,
  • bichon frise,
  • kerry blue terrier.

Rarely allergenic cats for the allergy sufferer

The safest cats for an allergy sufferer are breeds such as the devon, sphynx and cornish rex. These animals do not have fur, so they also do not have the dangerous allergen (Fel d1 glycoprotein), which is only found in animal hair. However, cats can produce allergy-inducing proteins. These pets have pleasant and warm to the touch undulating skin. Other recommended cats are:

  • russian blue cat,
  • balinese cat.

Safe pets for an allergy sufferer

If your child has severe allergies to many things, it is better not to take any chances. Consider choosing safe pets. These can include:

  • Fish – watching colorful, swimming fish in the underwater world will certainly interest your child. Such pets do not require special and time-consuming care. Besides, they are a great addition to the interior design. Be careful with the fish food though! It can cause allergies, so do not allow your child to feed his pets alone.
  • Turtles – friendly, long-lived and not too troublesome creatures. They’ll be the perfect choice for an allergy sufferer, plus taking care of them won’t take up much of your time. You can choose from such species as Chinese, Greek, steppe and red-footed turtles
  • Lizards – they are demanding animals, so before you choose one, get to know the characteristics of this species. Lizards need a suitable terrarium and special food. The most popular lizards kept at home are: Cuban anole, green iguana, gecko or bearded agama.
  • Stick insects – probably the easiest to care for, their appearance resembles thin sticks. They do not require special care

Photo: Adriana Morales/Pixabay

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